Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board Committees
The Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board has committees that deal with budget, education, executive matters, legislative relations, public lands, special projects, weed management and strategic planning.
The Chairperson of the State Weed Board is an ex-officio on all committees except the Executive Committee, which they chair. The Executive Secretary is an ex-officio on all committees.
Inquiries about these committees can be directed to the Board’s staff.
The Noxious Weed Committee
The committee of greatest interest to citizens is the Noxious Weed Committee, which advises the Board on changes and additions to the state’s official weed list of invasive plant species.
The Noxious Weed Committee is composed of scientists and experts in invasive plant management and control. The Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association and the Washington Native Plant Society are also represented on the Committee.
The Noxious Weed Committee usually meets within the week before State Noxious Weed Control Board meetings in May, July and September. Contact us for details about attending the meetings. Meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to propose changes or additions to the weed list. Find out more about submitting proposals here.
The Noxious Weed Committee can be contacted by emailing noxiousweeds@agr.wa.gov.
Members: Ian Burke (Chair), Allen Evenson, Jennifer Andreas, Tom Erler, Emily Stevenson, Greg Haubrich, Todd Palzer, Cathy Lucero, Ian Burke, Ken Bajema, Wesley Glisson
The Budget Committee
This committee is involved in developing the Board's biennial general fund budget. The committee has also investigated alternative funding options for the Board and for other state agencies.
Members: Allen Evenson (Chair), Ian Burke, Randy Johnson, Greg Haubrich
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is authorized to deal with housekeeping and personnel matters presented for approval at a Board meeting. With the approval of the Board, the chairperson appoints the Executive Committee.
Members: Allen Evenson, Ian Burke, Greg Haubrich, Randy Johnson
The Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending changes to Washington State’s noxious weed laws.
Members: Todd Davis (Chairman), Allen Evenson, Ian Burke, Laurel Baldwin, Rahel Stampfer, and Randy Johnson
The Education Committee
The Education Committee was created early in the weed board, but hadn't met in many years, and restarted in 2022. Its goal is to focus, strategize, and work on education and outreach projects, related to noxious weed laws, control, identification, and other issues.
Members: Janet Spingath (chair), Allen Evenson, Ian Burke, Carey Caruso, Jennifer Andreas, Skye Pelliccia, and Maria Marlin
The Pollinator Committee
The Pollinator Committee is an ad-hoc committee created to help implement HB 2478, the bill passed during the 2016 legislative session to address the preservation of pollinator forage while controlling noxious weeds. The Committee will work on the development of guidelines and on the selection and implementation of pilot projects to replace noxious weeds with native, pollinator-friendly forage.
Members: Carey Caruso (chair), Allen Evenson, Emily Stevenson, Loretta Nichols, Dirk Veleke, Judy Blanco, Katie Buckley, John Magnuson